
American Flag

Immigration Law is complex. Our bilingual lawyers can help, with up-to-date knowledge on the confusing system.

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Personal Injury

Personal Injury Hospital Hallway

Personal injury refers to any physical or mental harm you suffer through another’s negligence. Let our team help.

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Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water Lawyer

entrance of camp lejune

Americans depend on the brave men and women in uniform to keep us safe from threats, foreign and domestic. It’s only right that they’re given safe, comfortable accommodations during their service. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. If you or a loved one was one of the nearly 1,000,000 service members who lived and worked…

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Polvos de Talco

talcum powder

Polvos de Talco – Demanda en Louisiana Talco- grandemente usado en talcos para bebe, polvo facial, y más- ha sido relacionado con cáncer de ovario en más de 20 estudios científicos desde 1971. Adicionalmente, un estudio conducido en 2003 encontró que la mujer que usó polvo de talco estuvo en un 33% (por ciento) más probable…

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Cáncer Zantac


Zantac Demanda – Cáncer de Vejiga y Estomago Zantac— un medicamento popular para la acidez que se consideró lo suficientemente seguro como para venderse en las farmacias dio positivo recientemente para niveles inseguros de un químico que causa cancer – por causa química. Los fabricantes de Zantac (Ranitidina) están enfrentando demanda por responsabilidad en el producto…

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Tire explosion causes loss of arm

Truck tire & rim exploded ripping off the arm of truck stop employee,  twenty-seven yrs old at the time. Although the case was sealed on appeal, the jury awarded $1 Mil.

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Wrongful Death Verdict

Case involved the wrongful death of an individual who died in a fire at an apartment with no smoke/fire alarms. Resulted in a $178,152 verdict.

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Unborn baby damaged from x-rays to mother

Medical malpractice case against a hospital which should not have taken x-rays of 3-wk pregnant young woman. Her baby was born with a tumor against the brain. Case settled against the hospital by way of structured settlement.

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Amusement Ride Injury

Our client suffered injuries falling from an amusement ride, resulting in a verdict of $3,000,000.

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Verdict for Brain Damaged Infant

1-1/2 year old and 2-1/2 year old sister fell into a pool at an apartment complex. Infant was brain damaged and later died, and the sister is now quadriplegic.

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Sexual assault in motel

A national motel chain settled out of court for what is said to be the largest settlement in a rape case.

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