Find an Experienced Workers Comp Lawyer in Shreveport

Being hurt in a workplace accident can have severely damaging consequences, especially if your injuries prevent you from working for an extended period or have suffered a permanent disability. If your workers comp claim has been denied or you have been offered reduced benefits, contact a workers comp lawyer in Shreveport with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys. Contesting a workers comp claim can be a complicated and lengthy process so you need a personal injury attorney who specializes in handling on-the-job injuries. A workers comp lawyer in Shreveport has the expertise in the laws that protect workers and can help you establish a strong case.

, Find an Experienced Workers Comp Lawyer in Shreveport

Common Reasons for Workers Compensation Claims and Denials

The most frequent basis for filing a complaint for workers compensation is when an injured employee has been totally denied benefits or the payment is below what the employee believes is fair. Workers comp insurance companies face tremendous pressure to keep costs as low as possible so they often focus more on cost control than doing what’s best for employees who have been injured on the job. For this reason, many workers experience significant push back from the insurance company when they attempt to collect the workers comp benefits that they are entitled to receive. Many times, the insurance company will offer a settlement that does not fully cover the expenses and costs of recovery as well as pain and suffering endured by the worker. Another issue that can arise from workers compensation cases is discrimination or termination by the employer. While an employer cannot legally fire an employee for filing a claim, if a worker is medically cleared to return to work by the treating physician but the employee disagrees with this opinion and feels that they cannot fulfill their duties, the employer is allowed to terminate them. This is where a workers comp lawyer in Shreveport can step in and help you effectively dispute a maximum medical improvement diagnosis.

, Find an Experienced Workers Comp Lawyer in Shreveport

When to Get Help from a Workers Comp Lawyer in Shreveport

As an employee, it is important to be aware of the steps to take in the aftermath of an on-the-job accident. It is vital to report your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Each state has limitations on workers compensation claims and if you fail to promptly notify your employer, the insurance company may deny your benefits. Once you have made your employer aware of the injury you must begin the process of filing your workers comp claim. In Louisiana, claims for medical benefits must be filed within one year of the date of the accident, and missing this deadline could cause a denial of your claim. In cases where a work-related accident results in death, the impacts can shatter the lives of deceased workers family. If you lost a loved one in a fatal accident, trying to pick up the pieces alone can be detrimental to your future wellbeing. A workers comp lawyer in Shreveport can help you file a wrongful death claim and make sure you are fairly compensated for this devastating loss. At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, our Shreveport law firm has decades of experience fighting for victims’ rights.