Drunk Truck Drivers, a Danger to Other Vehicles on the Road

Recently, a drunk truck driver was traveling the wrong way down I-10 in Louisiana. Before police were able the stop the 18-wheeler, the driver caused three hit-and-run accidents. Once the driver was forced off the interstate, he was charged with multiple offenses, including hit-and-run, reckless driving and driving while intoxicated. Luckily, the passengers and drivers of the other vehicles hit by the big rig did not suffer serious injuries. However, this recent incident illustrates the dangers of an intoxicated truck driver who gets behind the wheel. Dangers of Drunk Big Rig Drivers Any driver who is impaired by drugs or alcohol presents a danger on the road. However, when the vehicle is a large truck, the chance of catastrophic injuries in a collision increases. A driver of a large commercial vehicle owes a duty to the public to operate that vehicle safely. When a big rig driver is intoxicated, his or her reaction time is slowed and judgment can be impaired. Consequently, when a 10,000 pound plus commercial truck is involved, any mistake made by the driver or delay when operating the 18-wheeler can have devastating consequences for other drivers on the roadways. Often the driver or passengers of the smaller vehicle suffer serious injuries or even death when involved in a trucking accident. Victims Have Rights Individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by an intoxicated commercial truck driver should know that they have rights. Those who suffer injury and property damage may be entitled to compensation from the big rig driver and possibly the drivers’ employer, depending on the circumstances of the crash. If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, speak to an attorney experienced in truck collision matters to learn more about your legal options and how to hold the responsible party accountable for your losses. Resource: Weekly Citizen, “Dangerous mistake by DWI-charged truck driver causes three hit and run incidents,” 5/20/12.