How do I report a nursing home for neglect in Louisiana?

Home » FAQs » How do I report a nursing home for neglect in Louisiana?

Tragically, nursing home abuse and neglect are all-too-common in Louisiana. If you suspect your loved one’s nursing home is neglecting them, call the Louisiana Department of Health Hotline at 1-888-810-1819. If they’re not in a licensed or regulated setting and you suspect their caretaker of elder abuse, call the Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs at 1-833-577-6532. By calling either of these numbers, you will be offered guidance on the proper steps to take to report nursing home abuse or elder neglect.

Know the Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

You’ve had to place your loved one in a nursing home because you’re unable to properly care for them, so you understand the importance of finding an assisted living facility that you can trust. You depend on your loved one’s nursing home to keep them healthy, both physically and mentally, in their sunset years.

However, when a nursing home betrays that trust, you might be unsure of where to turn for relief. Your loved one could be injured, permanently disabled, or even experience a wrongful death at the hands of the staff’s abuse. That’s why it is important to be on the lookout for the following signs that they could be experiencing nursing home neglect:

  • Unexplained injuries
  • Mood changes, including anxiety or depression
  • A sudden loss of appetite or mobility
  • Symptoms of malnutrition or dehydration
  • Poor personal hygiene or dirty living conditions

If you notice any of these signs in your loved one, especially if they’re sudden changes, talk to their doctor and the management of their nursing home. You should also call an ombudsman for your loved one, as well as Adult Protective Services and a good lawyer.

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in Louisiana

The experienced elder abuse attorneys with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys have years of experience fighting for the most vulnerable members of society, including the aged and the infirm. Call us today at 888.501.7888 if you suspect your loved one’s nursing home or assisted living facility of abuse or neglect. We’ll investigate your fears and help you seek justice on their behalf.