Injured From a Big Rig Accident in Lafayette? Get Gordon!

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Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer Near Lafayette

Battle Large Trucking Company

Louisiana’s economy thrives thanks in large part to the smooth flow of commerce along its transportation network. A key component of this system is the movement of freight by commercial vehicles on major roadways like US-90, which inevitably pass through densely populated areas like Lafayette.

However, the undeniable benefits of this economic activity come with a safety challenge. The size and weight disparity between these large commercial trucks, often referred to as “big rigs,” and passenger vehicles can pose a significant risk.

In Lafayette Parish alone, data from 2023 reveals a concerning number of commercial truck accidents – a staggering 105.

Lafayette Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer

The aftermath of a collision with a big rig truck can be incredibly difficult. These accidents frequently result in severe injuries, and in the worst cases, tragic loss of life. This leaves victims and their loved ones facing not only emotional pain but also significant financial burdens.

During this incredibly challenging time, having a Lafayette truck accident attorney on your side can be immensely helpful. These big rig lawyers dedicate themselves to protecting your rights and ensuring you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Click To Contact Our Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyers in Lafayette Today

Why Choose a Lafayette Big Rig Truck Lawyer From Gordon McKernan?

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys in Lafayette, our team knows the challenges you deal with after a big rig truck accident. We have 679+ years of combined legal experience with Louisiana’s trucking and traffic laws, helping us handle your case with ease.

Gordon McKernan’s Proven Results in Big Rig Truck Accident Cases

Our team has a strong track record in securing compensation for clients who suffered from truck accident injuries.

We’ve achieved significant recoveries for our clients, exceeding $3 Billion in total verdicts and settlements and 59+ Million+ verdicts and settlements in truck accident cases.

Common Causes of Big Rig Truck Accidents

Large commercial vehicles like semi-trucks and 18-wheelers can weigh around 80,000 pounds when fully loaded – that’s about 40 tons!

Due to their immense size and weight, even a minor collision with a big rig can lead to serious, life-altering injuries.

truck speeding down highway

Here are some common causes of big rig truck crashes:

  • Faulty brakes, improperly loaded cargo, and tire issues: These mechanical problems can significantly affect a truck’s handling and make it harder to stop or steer safely.

  • Distracted driving, driver fatigue, speeding, and drugs or alcohol: When truck drivers are impaired, they can’t react as quickly or make sound decisions behind the wheel, putting everyone on the road at risk.

  • Unfamiliar routes: Truck drivers on unfamiliar roads might have trouble anticipating hazards like sharp turns or sudden slowdowns, increasing the chance of accidents.

  • Inattentive car drivers and those who don’t know how to share the road with large trucks: Car drivers who aren’t paying attention or who don’t understand how to safely maneuver around big rigs can also be a cause of accidents.

Types of Compensation in Big Rig Truck Accident Cases

Truck accidents can have a devastating financial impact on victims and their families.

Medical bills can pile up quickly, lost wages due to missed work add to the stress, and in the worst cases, wrongful death leaves families facing a future without their loved one’s financial support.

The good news is that there may be financial compensation available to help ease the burden of a big rig truck accident.

Here’s a breakdown of some common types of damages:

Economic Damages

  • Medical Expenses: This covers everything from ambulance rides and hospital stays to ongoing physical therapy and medication costs. If a loved one tragically passes away, it can also include their medical costs from the accident until the time of death.

  • Lost Wages: Whether you’re missing work for a few weeks or your injuries prevent you from returning full-time, compensation can help make up for lost income.

  • Property Damage: The size disparity between big rigs and cars often results in significant vehicle damage. Compensation can cover repairs or even replace your totaled car.

Non-Economic Damages

  • Pain and Suffering: While no amount of money can erase the physical and emotional pain caused by a truck accident, you could receive compensation for this as well. In wrongful death claims, compensation can also include damages for the surviving family’s grief and loss of companionship.

Who’s Liable for My Lafayette Big Rig Accident?

Figuring out who caused your Lafayette big rig truck accident can be confusing. There can be many factors at play, and more than one party might be to blame for your injuries and damages.

delivery truck speeding down tree lined highway

Here’s a breakdown of some potential liable parties:

  • Truck Driver: Accidents often happen because the truck driver is speeding, distracted, or careless.

  • Trucking Company: The company faces blame if it fails to maintain the truck properly, pressures the driver to break safety rules, or hires an unqualified person.

  • Other Parties: Besides the driver, others might be at fault too. This includes the company that loaded the truck, the truck’s owner (if different from the driver’s employer), the maker of any faulty parts, or the government agency in charge of keeping the roads safe.

Showing who’s at fault and working with many insurance companies can be tough and a skilled Louisiana truck accident attorney can help.

They can look into the accident, find out who is responsible, and take care of the legal work, letting you focus on getting better.

Statute of Limitations in Lafayette Truck Accidents

After a big rig truck accident, it’s important to understand the legal time limits in place.

  • In Louisiana, there’s a one-year deadline according to Louisiana Civil Code §3492 to file a lawsuit for injuries, damages, or wrongful death arising from the accident.

If you wait too long, Lafayette courts may not hear your case, which could prevent you from filing your personal injury claim.

How Can A Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer In Lafayette Help?

An experienced big truck accident lawyer in Lafayette can ensure your truck accident claim is filed correctly and on time.

The sooner you take action, the better your chances of recovering the maximum compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Attorney From Gordon McKernan:

  • Understanding the complexities: Truck accident law involves unique rules and regulations. A Lafayette personal injury attorney with experience in this area can explain these clearly and use them to your advantage, helping you make informed decisions about your case.

  • Fighting for a fair outcome: Trucking companies often have large legal teams. An experienced lawyer on your side can even the odds and make sure your rights are protected throughout the process.

  • Focus on healing, not paperwork: Building a strong case requires gathering evidence and navigating legal complexities. Your lawyer will handle this for you, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

  • Stress-free negotiations: Dealing with insurance companies after an accident can be overwhelming. Your lawyer can take care of negotiations on your behalf, ensuring you receive a fair settlement.

Consult with a Lafayette Big Rig Truck Attorney Near Me Today

If you or someone close to you got hurt in a Lafayette semi-truck or 18-wheeler accident, Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys can help.

Our Louisiana personal injury attorneys know how hard it is to deal with the injuries, stress, and money problems after such an accident. We’ll handle the legal fight for you, so you can concentrate on getting better.

Schedule a free consultation with a Lafayette big truck accident lawyer today by calling 337.999.9999. We’re here to help you get back on your feet.

Lafayette Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me


How It Works

Filing a claim with Gordon Mckernan Injury Attorneys is easy! Simply follow the steps below.


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Fill out our quick and easy form to find out if your case qualifies. Our consultations are free and confidential, and we are here to help whether you hire us or not! 


An Attorney Will Reach Out

Our team will evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action. One of our lawyers will get back to you promptly and begin the process of winning your case! 


Get Gordon! Get It Done!

Once your case has been evaluated and deemed a good fit for our firm, our team will go to work immediately on gathering evidence, building your case, and getting you the compensation that you deserve.