Injured From a Big Rig Accident in New Orleans? Get Gordon!

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Big Rig Truck Accident Attorney Near New Orleans

delivery truck speeding

New Orleans plays a big role in Louisiana’s economy, thanks to the constant flow of goods on its busy roads. For example, Interstate 10 sees more than 131,000 vehicles every day, and other important roads include I-510, I-610, and U.S. Highways 11, 61, and 90. While this movement keeps the city going, it also raises significant safety issues.

Large commercial vehicles, often called “big rigs,” share these roads with passenger cars. This vast difference in size and weight means even minor traffic accidents can be devastating. In Orleans Parish, there were 164 commercial vehicle accidents in 2023, showing the daily risks drivers face.

New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we’ve seen the devastating aftermath of big rig truck accidents. Clients come to us after suffering life-changing, severe injuries like brain damage, spinal cord injuries, or paralysis.

These accidents have a big effect, hurting not just a person’s health but also their wallet because medical bills and rehab costs can be very high.

Click To Contact Our Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyers in New Orleans Today

Why Choose a New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer From Gordon McKernan?

Commercial truck accidents are a different beast altogether compared to car crashes. The regulations are stricter, and companies in the trucking industry have vast resources for defense. That’s why having an experienced New Orleans truck accident attorney on your side is critical.

We understand the unique challenges of these cases. Our New Orleans team has in-depth knowledge of Louisiana’s trucking laws, allowing us to navigate your claim effectively.

Here’s why choosing our big rig truck accident attorneys near New Orleans is the smart move:

  • Focus on Healing, We Handle the Fight: Let us handle the complexities of your truck accident claim so you can focus on getting better.

  • Your Recovery is Our Priority: We understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you face. We’ll fight to get you the compensation you deserve to recover financially.

  • Your Strong Advocate in Court: We’re not afraid to take on trucking companies and their aggressive tactics. We’ll be your voice in court, protecting your rights every step of the way.

Gordon McKernan’s Proven Results in Big Rig Truck Accident Cases

We have a proven track record of winning fair settlements for accident victims recovering $3 Billion. We’ve secured 59+ Million+ verdicts and settlements, for trucking accidents.

If suffered from injuries in a big rig crash, having a dedicated New Orleans big truck accident lawyer by your side can make all the difference. We’ll help you manage medical bills, fight for justice, and help you get back on your feet.

Common Causes of Big Rig Truck Accidents

ambulance and wrecked car surrounded by workers and people

Figuring out what caused your accident isn’t just about pointing fingers – it’s about making sure everyone on the road stays safe.

Our New Orleans big truck accident lawyers work closely with investigators, accident reconstruction specialists, and other experts to uncover every detail of your case.

Here are some of the most common causes of truck accidents in New Orleans:

  • Distracted Driving: Texting, eating, or messing with anything that takes their eyes off the road is a big danger, especially for big rig drivers.

  • Drowsy Drivers: Long trips and tight schedules can lead to truck driver fatigue, making it hard to react in time to avoid an accident.

  • Drunk Driving (Driving Under the Influence): Just like with any driver, alcohol or drugs cloud judgment and slow reaction times.

  • Speeding: Rushing to meet deadlines can tempt truck drivers to go above the speed limit, which can make any crash much worse.

  • Reckless Driving: Unsafe lane changes, tailgating, and ignoring traffic signals put everyone at risk.

  • Inexperienced or Untrained Drivers: Operating a big rig requires specific skills. Drivers without proper training are more likely to make mistakes that lead to accidents.

  • Traffic Violations: Running red lights, making illegal turns, or any other traffic violation can lead to serious accidents.

By looking closely at all the evidence, like information from the trucking company, we make a strong case to show who is responsible. This detailed investigation helps us find out not just why the crash happened, but also any other contributing factors.

Determining Liable Parties In a Truck Accident

Finding the responsible parties after a New Orleans truck accident often comes down to a crucial legal rule: respondeat superior. 

  • Louisiana law (La. Civ. Code Art. 2320) allows us to make trucking companies responsible for their drivers’ mistakes, meaning not only drivers can be blamed.

For a truck company to be on the hook, three things need to be true:

  • The truck driver caused the accident.
  • The accident happened while the driver was working.
  • The driver was doing their job duties at the time.

If you’re on I-10 and a big truck merges into your lane without signaling, causing a crash that injures you, Louisiana law lets you blame not just the driver but also the trucking company through their insurance.

Having a New Orleans personal injury attorney will help you understand these legal principles can make a big difference in your recovery after a serious semi-truck or 18-wheeler accident.

Types of Compensation in Big Rig Truck Accident Cases

learn more about when you should hire a personal injury attorney and the steps to take next

Understanding what financial compensation you could receive is essential for your recovery. Our Louisiana personal injury attorneys start by thoroughly evaluating your claim.

We’ll gather evidence that proves both the financial losses (economic damages) and the physical and emotional pain you’ve endured (non-economic damages)

Economic Damages

  • Medical Expenses
  • Vehicle Repairs
  • Property Damage
  • Lost Wages

Non-Economic Damages

Accidents can cause significant emotional and physical suffering. We understand that pain and suffering are real, and you fair compensation for what you’ve endured.

The Evidence We Use to Strengthen Your Claim

Our legal team has extensive experience in navigating these types of damages and will gather evidence to support your case:

  • Gather Medical Records: Detailed documents from your doctor are key to proving how hurt you are and why you need treatment.

  • Save Your Receipts: Every receipt from your accident helps us track your out-of-pocket costs.

  • Consider Specialists Help: Sometimes, specialists can explain the long-term impact of your injuries, strengthening your case.

Statute of Limitations in New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accidents

After a big rig accident in New Orleans, it’s important to understand the legal deadlines for taking action.

How Can A New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer Help?

Other than losing time to take legal action, there’s another reason to seek legal help right away: evidence can disappear quickly. In the first days and weeks after a crash, key details like the truck’s computer data and driver logs might be lost.

A New Orleans big truck accident lawyer knows how to act fast and preserve this vital evidence for your case.

Benefits of Hiring a New Orleans Big Rig Truck Attorney

In the aftermath of a big rig accident, navigating the legal system and Louisiana’s deadlines can feel daunting. Here’s how a Louisiana truck accident attorney can make a difference:

  • Hitting Deadlines: We ensure all legal paperwork is filed on time, protecting your rights.

  • Securing Evidence: We act fast to secure crucial evidence like truck data and driver logs.

  • Building Your Case: We investigate thoroughly to gather evidence and build a strong claim for you.

  • Maximizing Your Compensation: We fight for a fair settlement with the insurance company, so you get what you deserve.

  • Going to Trial (if necessary): We represent you in court and fight aggressively for your rights if needed.

By handling the legal complexities, a New Orleans big rig truck accident lawyer allows you to focus on your recovery. They’ll be your relentless advocate, working to get you the maximum compensation for your injuries and losses.

Consult with a New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accident Attorney Today

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, our team of experienced New Orleans truck accident lawyers has a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and financial challenges you face after a collision. With 679+ years of combined legal experience, we’re committed to helping the Louisiana community get justice.

We understand that after an accident, finances are a major concern. That’s why we offer a
free consultation to discuss your case.

Plus, with our G Guarantee you won’t pay a dime unless we win or secure a settlement in your favor.

New Orleans Big Rig Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me


How It Works

Filing a claim with Gordon Mckernan Injury Attorneys is easy! Simply follow the steps below.


Get Your Free Consultation

Fill out our quick and easy form to find out if your case qualifies. Our consultations are free and confidential, and we are here to help whether you hire us or not! 


An Attorney Will Reach Out

Our team will evaluate your case and decide on the best course of action. One of our lawyers will get back to you promptly and begin the process of winning your case! 


Get Gordon! Get It Done!

Once your case has been evaluated and deemed a good fit for our firm, our team will go to work immediately on gathering evidence, building your case, and getting you the compensation that you deserve.