New Year, Same Roads: A Louisiana New Year Crash Analysis

Louisiana New Year Crash, New Year, Same Roads: A Louisiana New Year Crash Analysis

As we approach the festive season, Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys feels compelled to shed light on an aspect that often takes a backseat amidst the joyous celebrations – road safety. Our commitment to the well-being of our community extends beyond legal representation, and we find it essential to share insights from the Louisiana State University’s Center for Analytics and Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) regarding Louisiana New Year crash data in 2022.

In a recent report analyzing crashes per 100 hours of the holiday period, New Year emerged as a time of heightened risk on Louisiana roads. The findings indicate that New Year recorded a staggering 477 injury crashes and 23 fatal crashes in 2022.

Among the eight observed holidays, New Year claimed the unfortunate distinction of having the second-highest number of injury crashes, surpassed only by Mardi Gras. Even more alarming is the revelation that New Year Day secured the top spot for the highest number of fatal crashes during the holiday period.

Notably, New Year also ranked first among the holidays for the most injury crashes involving alcohol. This stark statistic serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by impaired driving during the festive season.

The Call to Drive Safely This New Year: A Friendly Reminder

As we approach the New Year, we implore everyone to prioritize road safety. The data unequivocally highlights a substantial increase in the risk of injury and fatal crashes during the New Year holiday. To ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road, consider the following holiday safe driving tips:

  • Plan Ahead: Arrange for a designated driver or alternative transportation if you plan on consuming alcohol.
  • Stay Vigilant: Be alert and aware of your surroundings, especially during peak travel times.
  • Avoid Distractions: Put away your phone and other distractions to focus on the road.
  • Obey Traffic Laws: Follow speed limits, traffic signals, and other rules of the road diligently.
  • Rest Well: Fatigue can impair your reaction time and decision-making abilities, so ensure you are well-rested before embarking on a journey.

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we believe in keeping our community informed and educated on potential risks. As we bid farewell to 2023, we extend our heartfelt wishes for a safe and joyous New Year. Let’s welcome the new beginnings with a commitment to responsible and cautious driving.