Wrongful Death Attorney in Lafayette Discusses Types of Damages and Settlements

Driving and going to work are activities that we all do each and every day. For most people these daily tasks are uneventful and they return home safely each night to their families. But motor vehicle accidents on our highways are one of the leading causes of serious and deadly injuries. In fact, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in 2014, there were 29,989 fatal crashes in the United States that resulted 32,675 deaths. On-the-job accidents, while less common than car wrecks, remain another cause of fatal injuries for workers across the country. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Department of Labor Statistics, in 2014 a total of 4,821 total fatal workplace injuries occurred across all industries in the U.S. But no matter where or how they happen, fatal accidents that result in the death of your loved one can have disastrous consequences for your family. The financial devastation of losing a spouse or parent who was the primary earner for the household can be catastrophic for the children and partner who are left behind. Even if the individual had life insurance to support their family, the losses for dependents can be insurmountable. When misconduct or negligence causes a fatal accident that claims the life of a husband, wife, mother, father, or even a child, a wrongful death attorney in Lafayette can help determine whether you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the responsible person or company to recover damages. Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys has been representing clients across Louisiana for more than 25 years. The Get Gordon team in Lafayette is experienced in handling wrongful death claims for all kinds of fatal accidents and they have a 99% success rate for the cases that they accept. After losing a family member to a wrongful death accident, let a skilled Lafayette attorney take care of the legal work and make sure you get justice.

, Wrongful Death Attorney in Lafayette Discusses Types of Damages and Settlements

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Claim And What Damages Are Available?

Louisiana statute outlines the circumstances that afford the surviving family members the legal right to compensation for their loss. To bring a wrongful death claim, the injured party’s attorney must prove that another person’s negligent actions were the cause of the fatality and that the individual’s death will result in financial loss for the survivors. State law also defines who is eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit and the amount of damages they may be able to recover. Louisiana allows both spouses and children of the deceased to file a lawsuit. To do this, you must legally prove your relationship via a wedding license or birth certificate or adoption documentation for children. In cases of adult children who are able to financially support themselves, proving monetary suffering can be more difficult. A skilled lawyer can help make sure you are receive all of the monetary compensation that law provides for – this can include both economic and emotional damages, such as future lost income and loss of social companionship, love and moral support.

Hire A Trusted Wrongful Death Attorney in Lafayette, LA To Fight For Your Family

Protecting the rights of victims whose families have been devastated by the loss of a loved one is something that Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys is passionate about. It is impossible to put a monetary value on human life and losing a close family member to an accident is a tragic event that no one should have to endure. But there are financial realities that remain in the wake of these accidents and you deserve to get help to take care of your family’s needs. Contact a wrongful death attorney in Lafayette with the Gordon McKernan law firm and get someone on your side today. We will provide a free consultation and if we take your case, you won’t owe us a dime unless we win. That’s the G guarantee and it’s why the Get Gordon team is trusted by Lafayette residents.