What To Do After A Big Truck Wreck
Thousands of people are victims of big truck accidents each year. These crashes typically result in serious injuries that can be life-changing. It’s important that victims of these accidents know what steps they should take in order to help them deal with the aftermath of a big truck accident.
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1. Call the Police
The first step you should follow after being involved in an accident with a big truck is calling the police. It is extremely important that you file an accident report. Filing an accident report is not only required by law but can also be very important later on as a piece of evidence.
2. Get Medical Attention
When you’ve been involved in an accident, you should always seek immediate medical attention. In many cases, some injuries won’t appear until later, so you want to make sure that you’ve been thoroughly checked out by a licensed medical professional.
If there is a medical emergency an ambulance should transport the victim to the nearest hospital, as this is most important.
3. Document the Crash
You should always confirm the safety of everyone involved in the crash and contact the police. After this is done you should document the extent of the damages caused by the accident. It is important to keep two things in mind as you prepare to document the scene and damages:
- Do not provide a verbal or written statement to the other party’s insurance company. If asked, politely refuse.
- Do not admit fault or responsibility, even if you think you’ve done something wrong.
After an accident, it is also important that you only speak about the accident with the police and medical professionals at the scene, and your insurance company after leaving the scene.
In order to facilitate your claim, you will need specific information to document the truck accident. If you’re unable to do this right after the wreck, try to do it after seeking medical attention, or have someone else do it for you.
Collect the following details:
- Information about what happened
- Information about the driver
- Information for insurance
In order to gather this information, you can ask to see the other driver’s license and proof of insurance.
4. File a Claim with Your Insurance Company
As stated previously, while documenting the scene, it is imperative that you do not discuss the accident with the other party or their insurance company. You should contact your insurance company to start the process of filing your claim as soon as you’re able to.
5. Contact an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney in Louisiana
If you’ve been involved in a big truck accident that resulted in an injury or injuries, it is very important that you seek legal representation. Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys provides experienced and knowledgeable attorneys with 679+ years of combined legal experience who have handled several big truck accidents before. Our firm is proud to service clients in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Shreveport, Alexandria, Lake Charles, Ascension, Livingston, Zachary, Hammond, and Monroe. Contact us today at 888.501.7888 for a free and confidential consultation!
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What To Do After a Big Truck Wreck Lawyers
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