PACT Act Gives Justice for Camp Lejeune Veterans

An American flag patch on the shoulder of a U.S. Military servicemember

On August 10, the PACT Act of 2022 was signed into law by President Joe Biden. This new law delivers a long-awaited and well-deserved victory for veterans and their families who still suffer from the damaging and irreversible effects caused by the water contamination at Camp Lejeune.  

Water Contamination at 476 Camp Lejeune

In 1982, tests revealed high levels of various carcinogenic substances in Camp Lejeune’s water after three decades of nearly 1,000,000 service members staying at the location. The water’s contamination includes Trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), Benzene, Vinyl chloride, and Toluene, which all are scientifically proven to increase the risk of a multitude of diseases and forms of cancer. Unfortunately, veterans who were former residents and their families previously had no way to seek restitution for the life-threatening health issues caused by their unknowing exposure to Camp Lejeune’s toxic water.  

What Does the PACT Act Do?

Up until recently, the legislation succeeding the Camp Lejeune discovery did not provide sufficient enough compensation for victimized veterans who battle liver cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, and many other diagnoses subsequently to exposure. However, the freshly signed PACT Act includes an expansion of benefits and coverage that could help many who are still suffering and recovering from personal injuries. 

Benefits Given to Veterans Under the PACT Act

Depending on where they completed service, this new act grants the possibility of free VA healthcare to surviving veterans. These benefits also apply to a veteran’s spouse, children, or parents. Suppose you are eligible for compensation provided under the PACT act. In that case, you now have access to (DIC) payments, healthcare via the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, one-time endowed benefits payment, burial coverage, and funeral costs. 

Who is Eligible for PACT Act Benefits? 

Any veteran stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 is eligible for the benefits given under the PACT Act. In addition, they will extend that time frame, offering benefits to veterans who served during the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and after 9-11. 

Contact a Toxic Tort Lawyer for Your Camp Lejeune Injury

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we understand that nothing can rectify the pain of a life-changing personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one. However, filing a claim can start the healing journey and help compensate for the emotional, physical, and financial strife that the Camp Lejeune contamination caused. 

With the recent signing of the PACT Act, you will need a knowledgeable and experienced toxic tort attorney who you can depend on to help file your claim. Our experienced team of personal injury lawyers can help navigate what the changes in the law could mean for you. Give us a call for a free consultation to explore your legal options and get the compensation you deserve.