Questions to Ask A Trucking Accident Lawyer

When consulting with a trucking accident lawyer, there are several essential questions that you should ask to ensure they are the right fit for your case. Here are some important questions to ask a trucking accident lawyer:

man on phone looking at watch after wreck
  1. Experience: How do you handle trucking accident cases? Look for expertise and a successful track record in similar cases.
  2. Approach: How do you investigate and build cases against trucking companies or drivers? Ensure their strategy aligns with your comfort level.
  3. Communication: How will you update me? Clear communication is vital throughout the legal process.
  4. Fee Structure: How do you charge for services? Understand their contingency fee and any additional costs.

What Happens When a Truck Driver Has an Accident?

What happens after a truck driver has an accident often has varied scenarios and outcomes, and devastating consequences are a significant possibility due to the size and weight of commercial trucks. It is crucial to pinpoint the cause of the accident so the responsible party can be held accountable. Common causes of truck driver accidents are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Safety protocol lapses 
  • Aggressive driving
  • Adverse road and weather conditions 
  • Vehicle maintenance issues
  • Faulty parts

The aftermath ranges from property damage to injuries and fatalities, possibly warranting compensation for medical costs, lost income, and suffering. Consulting an experienced truck accident lawyer is essential to investigate the cause, gather evidence, and navigate the legal process for rightful compensation, safeguarding your rights.

What Trucking Regulations Can Affect My Case?

Both federal and state regulations, as well as industry standards, play a vital role in determining liability and potential compensation for truck accident victims. These trucking regulations are in place to ensure the safe operation of commercial trucks and to protect the public from the risks associated with these large vehicles.

Some of the specific regulations that can impact a truck accident case include:

  1. Speed limits
  2. Weight and height restrictions
  3. Hours of service requirements for truck drivers
accident law

Each of these regulations aims to prevent accidents caused by factors such as excessive speed, overweight or oversized trucks, and driver fatigue.

Understanding these regulations is essential when building a strong case. By thoroughly investigating the accident scene and reviewing relevant records, an experienced trucking accident lawyer can determine if the truck driver or trucking company violated any of these regulations. Any violation could potentially establish negligence and strengthen your claim for compensation.

How Is Injury Compensation Calculated?

When it comes to determining compensation for injuries in truck accident cases, several important factors are taken into account. These include medical bills, lost future earnings, pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Evaluating these aspects is crucial in reaching a fair settlement for the truck accident victim.

How to Battle a Large Trucking Company to Settle Your Case?

When facing off against a big trucking company to resolve your case, having the right legal support is vital. A seasoned truck accident attorney can expertly handle the legal complexities and work to secure the best settlement for you. Here’s how you can battle a large trucking company and settle your case with the help of a skilled truck accident attorney in Louisiana:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation: A skilled attorney can conduct a detailed investigation into the accident scene, collecting all valuable evidence, like accident reports and video footage.
  • Understand trucking regulations: Your attorney can use their in-depth knowledge of state trucking regulations to identify potential violations made by the trucking company, like improper maintenance.
  • Develop a strong legal strategy: With their knowledge, your attorney can develop a strong legal strategy by assessing the damages and analyzing the facts surrounding your case.
  • Negotiate a settlement: Your attorney can handle communications with the insurance company and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive fair compensation.

What Insurance Policy Covers a Car Accident?

truck on fire in mountains

Having the right insurance can truly matter in car accidents. Several insurance policies cover car accidents, including personal injury protection (PIP), bodily injury liability, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Personal injury protection (PIP) handles medical costs and lost wages for you and passengers, no matter who’s at fault. This quickens compensation and is usually required in no-fault states.

Bodily injury liability covers medical expenses and legal fees when you’re at fault, and someone else is injured. It shields you from financial responsibility, compensating for medical bills, lost income, and suffering.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage safeguards you if you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver. It’s also useful when the at-fault driver’s coverage can’t fully cover your costs.

Remember, the specifics of each policy can differ. Understanding yours is vital to ensure you’re well-protected and can secure a fair settlement.

How Expert Witnesses Can Help a Car Accident Case

Expert witnesses are essential in strengthening car accident cases. They provide valuable insights and unique knowledge, which enhance the case’s credibility by demonstrating fault, injury severity, and damages.

In Louisiana, expert witnesses in car accident cases come in various forms, each with unique knowledge and insights. These experts include:

  • Accident Reconstruction Experts: They analyze accident scenes, study police reports, and recreate events to help establish fault.
  • Medical Professionals: Medical experts assess injuries, provide opinions on necessary treatments, and evaluate the impact on the victim’s life.
  • Engineers and Specialists: Engineers and other specialists offer expertise in areas like vehicle mechanics, road conditions, or safety standards based on the case’s specifics.

These diverse expert witnesses play crucial roles in helping the court and jury understand complex car accident issues and determining liability. To find the right expert witness, consult with a personal injury attorney who can connect you with the most suitable expert for your case.

What to Do After a Truck Accident

After a big truck accident, it’s crucial to safeguard your rights and secure the compensation you’re entitled to. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Get the accident report: Contact the police for a copy of the accident report, detailing key information and potential fault.
  2. Assess vehicle damage: Notify your insurance, and have them evaluate your vehicle damage to estimate repair costs or possible total loss.
  3. Record medical details: Even minor injuries warrant medical attention. Document visits, treatments, medications, and symptoms for compensation claims.
  4. Track extra costs: Keep a clear record of additional expenses due to the accident, like transport or home care, as these might be reimbursable.
  5. Consult an attorney: Before agreeing to any quick settlement, consult a truck accident lawyer. They’ll ensure you receive fair compensation for injuries and damages.

By following these steps, you’ll protect your rights and improve your chances of getting the compensation you deserve, while prioritizing your well-being throughout your recovery.

How to Preserve Crucial Evidence After a Car Accident

Preserving evidence is crucial in a personal injury case because it can greatly strengthen your case and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation. Having the right evidence provides solid proof of what happened and the extent of your injuries, making it difficult for the other party to deny their responsibility or undervalue your claim. To effectively preserve evidence in your personal injury case after a car accident, follow these simple steps:

  • Document the Scene: Take photos and videos of the accident scene, including landmarks, weather, road conditions, injuries, and property damage.
  • Gather Witness Information: Get contact details from witnesses who saw the incident to support your account of what happened.
  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention: Get prompt medical treatment for injuries and keep records of doctor visits, treatments, and prescriptions to show the link between the accident and your injuries.
  • Preserve Physical Evidence: Keep items from the accident, like torn clothes, damaged items, or vehicle parts, as they can be crucial in proving liability and injury severity.
  • Maintain a Detailed Journal: Create a daily journal to record pain levels, emotional distress, and how injuries affect your daily life. Include doctor appointments and expenses to show the extent of damages.
  • Communicate Carefully: Be cautious when talking to government agencies, insurance companies, the other party, or on social media to avoid admitting fault or making statements that may hurt your case. Consult a personal injury lawyer before discussing your case or accepting settlements.

What is the Most Common Type of Lift Truck Accident?

What is the most common type of lift truck accident? The most prevalent incident involves rollovers, but lift trucks can be involved in various accidents leading to injuries and property damage. Here are some of the most typical types of lift truck accidents in Louisiana:

  • Lift Truck Rollovers: These accidents occur when a forklift tips over onto its side, often due to quick turns, inclines, overloading, unbalanced loads, or uneven surfaces. To prevent rollovers, it’s essential to follow speed limits, especially when turning corners, avoid exceeding the lift truck’s capacity, exercise caution when tilting a raised mast, and operate on smooth, even surfaces.
  • Pedestrian Impacts: These accidents involve people on foot, with the most common being when a lift truck runs over a pedestrian’s foot. Operator inattention, caused by factors like carelessness, fatigue, distraction, and insufficient warning signs or pedestrians in restricted areas, is a primary cause. Preventing pedestrian impacts involves installing barriers, separation measures, wall-mounted mirrors, and warning lights and alarms.
  • Falling Loads: Lift trucks carrying loads risk items falling due to improper loading, uneven weight distribution, or rapid mast movement. To avoid falling loads, ensure proper loading and weight distribution, and regularly inspect the forklift.
  • Lift Truck Falling Off Docks: Trucks falling off docks or trailers is a common accident when crossing thresholds. Slippery surfaces, worn or damaged wheels, and improper or missing dock plates often contribute. To prevent such incidents, inspect the truck and dock surfaces, and ensure that dock plates are correctly placed and rated for the vehicle’s weight and load.

Being aware of these common lift truck accidents and taking preventive measures can help reduce the risk of injuries and damages in Louisiana.

Consult with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys

Gordon McKernan, lead attorney and owner of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys

If you’ve recently been involved in a truck accident, it’s crucial to have the best Louisiana truck accident attorney at your side, so you can have the best shot at getting compensation. So you’ll need to know all the right questions to ask when trying to find a truck accident lawyer who is the perfect fit for you.

At Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, we specialize in Louisiana truck accident cases and have a three-decade track record. With our extensive experience, we understand what it takes to secure the financial support you need for your recovery.

Feel free to reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation. Our skilled personal injury lawyer will promptly begin working on your case, ensuring you stay well-informed throughout the entire process.