What are Some of the Causes of Big Truck Accidents?

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Big truck accidents can have consequences such as injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. It’s important for us to know why accidents happen, so we can do things to make them happen less and keep the roads safer for everyone.

What are some of the causes of big truck accidents? From truck driver fatigue to not following traffic rules, there are many causes of big truck accidents. When these accidents happen, you should have an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side. They can:

  • give you valuable guidance, 
  • fight for your rights,
  • & help you get the compensation you deserve.

Continue reading below to learn more about the causes of big truck accidents. 

  1. Truck Driver Fatigue

One of the causes of big truck accidents is truck driver fatigue. When truck drivers are very tired and sleepy, it can affect their ability to pay attention to the road and react quickly to unexpected situations. 

Imagine trying to concentrate on something when you’re really tired – it can be really hard!

  1. Falsified Log Books

When it comes to the causes of big truck accidents, a common cause is when truck drivers keep falsified log books.

These books keep track of how long drivers have been driving, but some drivers lie and pretend they took enough rest breaks. This can lead to driver fatigue and increase the chances of accidents happening.

  1. Truck Driver Deadlines

Truck driver deadlines can be a contributing factor to the causes of big truck accidents. Truck drivers often have strict deadlines to deliver their goods on time. Sometimes, they may feel pressured to drive for long hours without taking enough breaks. 

This can be dangerous because it’s important for drivers to rest and recharge to stay focused on the road.

  1. Overweight or Improper Loading

Improper loading or carrying too much weight is another cause of big truck accidents. If a truck is overloaded or if the cargo is not properly attached, it can affect the balance of the truck and make it harder for the driver to control the vehicle. 

It’s like trying to ride a bicycle with a backpack that’s too heavy – it can be really hard to keep your balance!

  1. Poor Truck Maintenance

Poor truck maintenance also contributes to common causes of big truck accidents. Just like any other vehicle, trucks need regular maintenance to make sure they are in good working condition. 

If a truck is not properly maintained, it can have mechanical problems while on the road, which can lead to accidents.

  1. Distracted Driving

Sometimes, truck drivers can get distracted while they’re driving. They might use their cell phones, eat, or do other things that take their attention away from the road. 

It’s important for drivers to stay focused on driving safely or else a serious crash can occur.

  1. Failure to Follow Traffic Rules

Lastly, some big truck accidents happen because truck drivers fail to follow traffic rules. This can include things like:

  • speeding, 
  • not using turn signals, 
  • or running red lights. 

Following traffic rules is important for everyone’s safety on the road.

Injured in a Big Truck Accident? Don’t Wait, Act Now!

By now, you should know what are some of the causes of big truck accidents. By understanding the causes of big truck accidents and taking appropriate measures, we can work towards making the roads safer for everyone.

If you or someone you know was involved in a big truck accident, secure your rights with Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys. 

With the support of an experienced truck accident lawyer at our firm, they can provide you with valuable guidance, fight for your rights, and help you get the compensation you deserve. Get Gordon and Get It Done!