Does Elmiron cause eye damage?

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Many new studies have shown that interstitial cystitis (IC) patients who’ve taken the defective prescription drug Elmiron for many years have an increased risk of developing pigmentary maculopathy, a type of eye damage that can lead to a variety of vision problems, including blindness. IC is a bladder condition that causes bladder pain and discomfort, along with other symptoms; as Elmiron is a treatment, not a cure, many patients have taken the drug for years.

In one study, it took an average of 14.5 years to develop eye problems related to their Elmiron regimen, so if you’ve been taking Elmiron for some time and haven’t yet developed vision problems, see an ophthalmologist or other specialist. In addition, you may want to talk to an experienced mass tort lawyer, since many of Elmiron’s victims are coming together to form a mass tort action against the drug’s manufacturer.